Tag: Creiddylad

  • Inspired Works – Ye O’s of Ye People by Sib. Temperance

    Chorus: O i comnaíde tuigithir bláth bith!(Old Irish: ‘O, always [lit. in residence] flowers covering the world’ inspired by Fionn Mac Cumhaill’s Cétemain, caín cucht) O Creiddylad lover of Fairy,What loneliness befalls this hostas we make our rites to end,And you are no stranger to lonelinessAs you are One who connects wild with wild,heart with…

  • Calan Mai – The Battle of Gwyn and Gwythyr

    On Calan Mai we will be holding a ritual focusing on the Battle of Gwyn and Gwythyr for Creiddylad. This will take place on Wednesday 1st of May 6 – 7pm UK time. Our ritual is open and everybody is welcome. Email themonasteryofannwn@gmail.com for the Google Meets link. In this ritual, in a guided meditation,…

  • Our Practices – Creiddylad Arrives

    Creiddylad arrives brings the morning.She is here, She is here, She is here. Creiddylad arrives brings the birdsong.She is here, She is here, She is here. Creiddylad arrives brings the flowers.She is here, She is here, She is here. ~ Sister Patience A monastic chant for Creiddylad, a Brythonic Goddess of flowers and fertility, as…

  • Inspired Works – The Mourning of Creiddylad

    A stained glass style artwork depicting Creiddylad mourning the death of Gwyn by Sister Fable.

  • Inspired Works – For the Mourning of Gwyn ap Nudd

    Creiddylad sings for the the loss of her Winter King: Furrow not thy browFor your time is blessedAnd all shall be wellBefore you take your rest For I am the summer And you hold winters reignSo furrow not thy brow my love For you shall rise again  Furrow not thy browFor our time is blessedAnd all shall…

  • Calan Mai 2023

    This year for the first time at the Monastery of Annwn we will celebrating Calan Mai together. Our focus will be on the battle of Gwyn ap Nudd (Winter’s King) and Gwythyr ap Greidol (Summer’s King) for Creiddylad, who is a Goddess of seasonal sovereignty.* At this time of year Gwyn is defeated by Gwythyr…

  • Monastery of Annwn online events 2023

    This year for the first time the Monastery of Annwn is going to be hosting online events celebrating our ritual year (which focuses on the mythos of our patron God, Gwyn ap Nudd). Events will take place on Thornsilver Hollysong‘s regular Gwyn Day Thursdays in collaboration with Land Sea Sky Travel. The following is our calendar of events…

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